Skyrim eyebrows clipping through head
Skyrim eyebrows clipping through head

skyrim eyebrows clipping through head

But these words had no place here in Solitude. Savage, barbaric, dangerous, all words used to describe the Northernmost province of Tamriel. When the massive set of double doors were opened, Caleb had entered another world unlike Skyrim. Although he was far from the next incarnation of Gaiden Shinjii, he had become a capable combatant through his years of traveling. Also hanging from Caleb's hip was a steel shortsword. Caleb was wearing old and dirty plain travelers robes, which had served him well through the years. He walked by massive trees centuries old, and great stone watchtowers from which troops bearing the red wolf stood. And now, finally, he was on the other edge of Skyrim.

skyrim eyebrows clipping through head

He had explored almost all of Skyrim since, through the golden plains of Whiterun to the ancient stone of Windhelm, and the intrepid Dwemer city of Markarth. Caleb Christophe, the poor orphan from the slums of Riften has set out years ago on a self discovering journey. It had taken years, years of grueling struggle and doubt to finally reach the great city of Solitude. Wondering, Savile sat in the corner table drinking disgusting mead while glancing around at every other person in the bar making sure they weren't here to kill him. He only had a few Skoomas left now, he owed the Khajiits money, and he had no money. He was down to his last 100 septims and that was just a few Skoomas and meads. It had been nearly a year since he left Windhelm and all the gold he'd saved up, or tried to anyway, Skooma's not cheap after all, had nearly been depleted. He noticed every now and then when another Dunmer walked in, but even then he was trying to avoid them not talk to them. Savile being homeless he sat in the Winking Skeever for the majority of every day. Still, if he sat in there all day drinking nothing then he would be thrown out. Savile hated the taste of it and every sip put a frown upon his face. "Another mead please!" The mead was disgusting compared to Skooma. Pulling his eyes off the horizon he turned to the burly Khajiit behind the ships large wheel “You have you’re heading Helmsman, set sail soon as the preparations are finished.” the Khajiit nodded and called back “Yes Captain.” As Crow retreated to his cabin he knew it would be many hours still till they reached Solitude and he planned on being well rested for the nights festivities. Too think of the sights he’d seen and places he’d been was more than enough to make up for any of the many hardships he’d endured. He remembered those early years fondly the ocean was almost too much for a boy from the Reach, he fallen in love with it the moment he laid eyes upon it all those years ago. Springing back to life the crew rushed to lower the skull-and-crossbones replacing it with a Elsweyren merchants flag while men bellow pulled in the ships 40 massive cannons, tightly shutting the gun-ports behind them hiding the ships massive firepower.Ĭrow couldn’t help but admire the sight of his crew working only three years ago he was one of them just another crewmen, that was before the old captain went mad and the men had chosen him to take over the position.


We’ll make port shortly before dusk and head for the Inn to recruit some fresh meat, if all goes well we will be back to full strength and out of port before dawn.” He finished saying in a authoritative tone. “Lower the Jolly Roger and close the gun-ports were making port in Solitude I know it’s risky but they shouldn’t have a clue were the reason that ship never turned up. Rolling up the charts and clipping his sextant back onto his belt he cleared his throat and turned to his crew whom instantly fell silent and began to amass at the bottom of the upper deck-way stairs. While the first mate barked orders at a young deckhand whom hung dangerously from the ships mast, freeing a tangled line. It would be dangerous to enter such a port for any pirate ship, let alone for one that’d sunk one of their security vessels just days before.Īround him the ship was alive with action, men ran up and down the ships massive deck adjusting ropes and carrying powder barrels to the storeroom below. Finding the horizon with his sextant Captain Black-Crow noted their position and began closely studying his charts the closest port to their current position was Solitude, the center of EETC power in Skyrim. It’d been almost two days since they had encountered the EETC security vessel while the damage to the ship had been quickly repaired at sea, they would have to make port in order to replace the dead.

Skyrim eyebrows clipping through head